Accomplished Projects

CV builder applicaion ( )

Creating App was a hands-on journey of design and development. From conceptualization to implementation, I crafted an intuitive platform where users can effortlessly build, save, and download their professional CVs. Using technologies like NextJS, React, and Node.js, I ensured a seamless experience. The app reflects my commitment to user-friendly design and a passion for empowering individuals in their career pursuits.

HCCS Conference 2023 ( )

A Flask application for facilitating the annual international conference on Human-centred Cognitive Systems (HCCS) is a flagship conference to drive innovation for future industry 5.0 application scenarios. The HCCS calls for original papers and proposals to cover a variety of Human-centred Cognitive Systems stretched across city infrastructures, manufacturing, retail, business, tourism, health, law, and education.

Chat GPT like UI

A NextJS application similar to ChatGPT user interface. UI can be added to any chat service using streaming using numerous AI SDKs, e.g. HuggingFace, LangChain and OpenAI models.

Your Assistant

Hey, How can I help you today?

a few seconds ago